Legislature(1999 - 2000)

03/29/1999 01:35 PM Senate HES

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
               SB  73-ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES                                                                                
Number 030                                                                                                                      
CHAIRMAN MILLER brought up SB 73, and explained the proposed CS for                                                             
SB 73 would phase in the assisted living home rates over a three-                                                               
year period.  The assisted living homes desperately need a raise at                                                             
the same time the Legislature has budget problems, and he stated                                                                
the CS is his best attempt to address that situation.  It needs a                                                               
Finance Committee referral, and he expected Senator Pearce would                                                                
assign it to Finance tomorrow.                                                                                                  
He explained that the CS would phase in the increase to a $50 rate                                                              
the first year, a $75 rate the second year, and a $100 rate the                                                                 
third year. He would let the Finance Committee decide if this is a                                                              
good approach.                                                                                                                  
SENATOR ELTON said he had no objection to moving the bill, but he                                                               
asked if the three-year phase-in changes the geographic                                                                         
CHAIRMAN MILLER replied that it does not. This bill would continue                                                              
to allow the geo rate. He believed the geo-differential rate is a                                                               
legitimate discussion for the Finance Committee.                                                                                
SENATOR ELTON agreed, and said he didn't have a problem with geo-                                                               
differential rates except that they are outdated.                                                                               
Number 070                                                                                                                      
SENATOR WILKEN asked if there are any other changes from Draft A to                                                             
Draft D.  CHAIRMAN MILLER replied those are the only changes.                                                                   
SENATOR WILKEN moved to adopt CSSB 73(HES) Version D Lauterbach                                                                 
3/20/99.  Without objection, it was adopted.                                                                                    
SENATOR WILKEN moved CSSB 73(HES) from committee with individual                                                                
recommendations and attached fiscal note.  Hearing no objection, it                                                             
was so ordered.                                                                                                                 

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